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International Online Conference Kant 300
victorg, Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 00:00:00 //

Organizer: Institute of Philosophy and Psychology "Constantin Rădulescu-Motru" of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, April 22-26 2024
Keynote Speakers: Beatrice Longuenesse (New York University, USA), Paul Guyer (Brown University, USA), Michael Potter (University of Cambridge, UK), Eric Watkins (University of California, San Diego, USA), Hernán Pringe (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), Dietmar Heidemann (University of Luxembourg), Christian Onof (Birkbeck College, London), Bryan Hall (Regis University, USA), Fabrice Pataut (CNRS, Paris).Since 2024 marks the 300th anniversary of Kant’s birth rather than the publication of any specific fundamental works, the conference does not have a specific topic. It welcomes scholars whose relevant articles, essays, and/or books are published in interdisciplinary subject areas, as well as in the historical-exegetical and/or theoretical-reconstructive fields. These may include but are not limited to cognitive science, metaphysics, epistemology, general philosophy of science, analytical philosophy, philosophy of mathematics, frame-theory program, ethics, or moral philosophy.
Submission: Those interested in participating with a talk in the conference are invited to submit an abstract of 300–500 words to and/or by February 29, 2024.
Along with the abstract, please include a separate document containing the following information: the title of your talk, your name, academic affiliation, a brief description of your research field, and a list of your main publications.
Each regular presentation will be allotted 40 minutes (25-30 minutes presentation + 15 or 10 minutes debates).
The conference will be conducted in English and organized by Marius Augustin Drăghici, Oana Vasilescu and Claudiu Baciu. Abstracts must be prepared for blind review. Accepted speakers will be notified no later than March 31, 2024. The language of the conference will be English.