Simpozionul Național Constantin Noica, Ediția a XVI-a „Povestiri despre om…” (26-29 septembrie 2024)
CALL FOR PAPERS – The philosophical entanglements of Charles Sanders Peirce’s semiotics
victorg, Wednesday 24 March 2021 - 08:17:03 //
We invite original research papers for Issue 1/2022 of Revue Roumaine de Philosophie* which is dedicated to the relation between semiotics and philosophy, particularly as entailed by Charles S. Peirce’s pragmati(ci)sm.
Papers should reflect on the relevance for contemporary philosophy of uptakes of Peirce’s semiotics, such as for instance in biosemiotics, cognitive semiotics and semioethics.
Particular interest is given to the instrumental concept of sign and, consequently, classifications of signs. As such, we expect contributions to philosophy of representation, the role of signs in philosophy and logic, media philosophy, the implications of Peirce’s semiotics for the analysis of inference, theory of inquiry, philosophical logic, analytic philosophy, social philosophy, cognitive sciences, linguistics, philosophy of education, philosophy of economy, communication and aesthetics.
Also, historical investigations on the modern and premodern sources of Peirce’s semiotics are appreciated.
Informations for authors
The manuscripts should be original pieces of research that have not been published previously.
They may range between 3000 – 12000 words, including abstract, keywords, footnotes and references.
To submit a manuscript, please attach it to an email to and
All articles in this journal undergo anonymous peer review, being subject to editor screening.
Deadline: January 31, 2022.
*Revue Roumaine de Philosophie is an academic journal published biannualy by the Romanian Academy. It is abstracted / indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Current Contents /Arts and Humanities, The Philosopher’s Index and has been selected for coverage in Clarivate Analytics products and services. It accepts papers in English, French and German.