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Programul Simpozionul Internațional Lucian Blaga, Fărcașa - mai 202405 Jun : 05:405.09 MB292Not rated
Poster Reconstructing Carnap 23.05.202420 May : 08:44733.43 kB370Not rated
Program and Abstracts - Colloquium Philosophical Psychology in the 19th Century - May 202419 May : 07:1280.67 kB355Not rated
DFT-CELFIS REASEARCH SEMINAR - May 20 202419 May : 06:39322.27 kB364Not rated
International Online Conference Kant 30017 Apr : 04:522.06 MB797Not rated
Program Masă rotundă Darwin28 Mar : 12:01265.14 kB341Not rated
Picassoeast Conference Program27 Dec : 11:13493.46 kB2103Not rated
Exploring the Metaphysics of A. N. Whitehead, Conference Program22 Oct : 10:03585.12 kB473Not rated
Conference John Stuart Mill and the Positive Philosophy of the 19th Century12 Oct : 14:46156.93 kB393Not rated
On the Objectivity of Scientific Knowledge, Program of the Conference21 Sep : 11:18124.49 kB496Not rated
Anunț Conferința ”Russell 150”23 Jul : 08:51129.62 kB379Not rated
Programul seminarelor IFPAR 202202 Feb : 08:0568.85 kB539Not rated
International Conference: On the Objectivity of Scientific Knowledge CALL 202220 Jan : 19:00244.48 kB750Not rated
Essential readings: contemporary debates on Kit Fine’s philosophy05 Dec : 17:55404.83 kB950Not rated
Program Conferinţă Ludwig Wittgenstein Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Prima sută de ani14 Nov : 10:30347.93 kB563Not rated
The Idea of Philosoph Program & Abstracts13 Sep : 18:36208.69 kB747Not rated
Program Colloquium IPPAR Tribute to Rawls09 Sep : 18:20389.7 kB596Not rated
Programul Simpozionului C. Noica, ed. a IV-a, Constanţa mai 201222 May : 07:46255.83 kB3212Not rated
Simpozionul Naţional Constantin Noica, Ediţia a III-a, "Pagini despre sufletul românesc"31 Aug : 16:26Victor Emanuel Gica203.25 kB4447Not rated
Laudatio für Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans Lenk. Berlin 201024 Jul : 10:28PROF. DR. DIETMAR MIETH01958Not rated
Centenar Constanitn Noica24 Jul : 10:1882.64 kB2987Not rated
Acţiunea. Gândirea vieţii – activismul gândirii. Venetia 201024 Jul : 10:05Rodica Croitoru205.22 kB3170Not rated
Comunicare, context, interdisciplinaritate. Tg. Mureş 201024 Jul : 10:00Eugeniu Nistor193.81 kB4145Not rated
Simpozionul Naţional Constantin Noica, Ediţia a II-a, "Bucuriile simple", Arad, 201024 Jul : 09:57Dragoş Popescu195.56 kB3757Not rated
Kant şi filosofia în sens cosmopolit. Pisa 201024 Jul : 09:45Rodica Croitoru242.48 kB3411Not rated
Kant, ştiinţa şi ştiinţele - Lion 200924 Jul : 09:34Rodica Croitoru234.77 kB3152Not rated
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