Simpozionul Național Constantin Noica, Ediția a XVI-a „Povestiri despre om…” (26-29 septembrie 2024)
(Guest editors: Susan Krantz Gabriel, Ion Tănăsescu)
MICHEL BOURDEAU, Auguste Comte and Positivism: l'ultime jugement de Mill sur la philosophie de Comte
CONSTANTIN STOENESCU, The Millian model of scientific explanation
MARIAN GEORGE PANAIT, Truth and utility: Where does Mill stand?
DARREN MEDEIROS, Positivism and pleasure: Understanding Mill’s missing explanation of the higher pleasures in Utilitarianism
NICHOLAS CAPALDI, Revisiting Mill on free speech
SUSAN KRANTZ GABRIEL, Mill and Brentano on religion and natural theology
CYRIL McDONNELL, Law, morality, and the state’s justification of punishment: Aquinas, J.S. Mill and Brentano
ERIC S. NELSON, Wilhelm Dilthey, John Stuart Mill, and the logic of the human sciences
ION TĂNĂSESCU, Intentionality in Brentano: A minimal, positive interpretation in the framework of the hierarchy of phenomena in his empirical psychology
ADRIAN MAÎTRE, Franz Brentano und Bertrands Paradoxon: Eine Notiz mit 2 Transkriptionen
NICHOLAS SHACKEL, Brentano’s solution to Bertrand’s paradox
MIGUEL LÓPEZ-ASTORGA, Logical sophistication and reduction
ALEKSANDAR FATIĆ, Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Collective action and humility in philosophical practice and psychotherapy
VLAD ALEXANDRESCU, Raison et intellect dans Sacro-sanctae scientiae indepingibilis imago de Dimitrie Cantemir
EUGENIA BOGATU, The self’s metamorphosis in the context of social experience: Pragmatic contributions
(Guest editors: Susan Krantz Gabriel, Ion Tănăsescu)
MICHEL BOURDEAU, Auguste Comte and Positivism: l'ultime jugement de Mill sur la philosophie de Comte
CONSTANTIN STOENESCU, The Millian model of scientific explanation
MARIAN GEORGE PANAIT, Truth and utility: Where does Mill stand?
DARREN MEDEIROS, Positivism and pleasure: Understanding Mill’s missing explanation of the higher pleasures in Utilitarianism
NICHOLAS CAPALDI, Revisiting Mill on free speech
SUSAN KRANTZ GABRIEL, Mill and Brentano on religion and natural theology
CYRIL McDONNELL, Law, morality, and the state’s justification of punishment: Aquinas, J.S. Mill and Brentano
ERIC S. NELSON, Wilhelm Dilthey, John Stuart Mill, and the logic of the human sciences
ION TĂNĂSESCU, Intentionality in Brentano: A minimal, positive interpretation in the framework of the hierarchy of phenomena in his empirical psychology
ADRIAN MAÎTRE, Franz Brentano und Bertrands Paradoxon: Eine Notiz mit 2 Transkriptionen
NICHOLAS SHACKEL, Brentano’s solution to Bertrand’s paradox
MIGUEL LÓPEZ-ASTORGA, Logical sophistication and reduction
ALEKSANDAR FATIĆ, Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: Collective action and humility in philosophical practice and psychotherapy
VLAD ALEXANDRESCU, Raison et intellect dans Sacro-sanctae scientiae indepingibilis imago de Dimitrie Cantemir
EUGENIA BOGATU, The self’s metamorphosis in the context of social experience: Pragmatic contributions