Vol. 69, Issue 2, 2025
Whitehead and Idealism
(Guest editors: Bogdan Rusu, bogdan.p.rusu@gmail.com, Claudiu Baciu, cbaciuro@yahoo.com)  
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews 
Deadline: 2025, September 1st

Vol. 69, Issue 1, 2025
Positions on Being in the History of Philosophy
(Guest editors: Gianluigi Segalerba, gianluigisegalerba@gmail.com)  
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews 
Deadline: 2025, April 15

Vol. 68, Issue 2, 2024 
Kant 300. Today’s Legacy of Kantian Philosophy 
(Guest editors: Hernán Pringe, hpringe@gmail.com; Marius Augustin Drăghici, mariusdraghiciinstitut@yahoo.com)   
Book reviews  
Timeline: 2024, September 1st

Vol. 68, Issue 1, 2024
John Stuart Mill and the Positive Philosophy of the Nineteenth Century 
(Guest editors: Susan Krantz Gabriel, sgabriel@anselm.edu; Ion Tănăsescu, iontanasescu964@gmail.com)   
Book reviews  
Timeline: 2024, May 15

Vol. 67, Issue 2, 2023
On the Objectivity of Scientific Knowledge. Models and Theoretical representations of Structure and Progress in Science. Th. Kuhn’s Legacy
(Guest editors: Alejandro Cassini, alepafrac@yahoo.com.ar; Marius Augustin Drăghici, mariusdraghiciinstitut@yahoo.com)  
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2023, September 1st

Vol. 67, Issue 1, 2023
Beginning with Brentano: The Idea of Philosophy as Science in 19th Century Thought
(Guest editors: Susan Kranz Gabriel, sgabriel@anselm.edu; Ion Tănăsescu, iontanasescu964@gmail.com)  
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2023, April 15

Vol. 66, Issue 2, 2022
Kant’s Theory of Science. The Kantian Theoretical Program and the Lawfulness of Science
(Guest editors: Ilie Pârvu, iparvu1@yahoo.com; Marius Augustin Drăghici, mariusdraghiciinstitut@yahoo.com)  
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2022, July 1

Vol. 66, Issue 1, 2022
The philosophical entanglements of Charles Sanders Peirce’s semiotics (Guest editors: Titus Lates, e-mail: titus.lates@gmail.com ; Alin Olteanu, e-mail: alin.olteanu@rwth-aachen.de)
Human being as living mirror of the world in Leibniz (Guest editor: Adrian Niță, e-mail: adriannita2010@gmail.com) 
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2022, May 10

Vol. 65, Issue 2, 2021
„Hope” in the History of philosophy (Guest editor: Kathrin Bouvot, e-mail: kbouvot@gmail.com)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2021, October 10

Vol. 65, Issue 1, 2021
Emil Cioran – 110th Celebration (Guest editors: Marius Dobre, dmariusdobre@yahoo.com; Constantin Zaharia, constantinzahariafr@yahoo.fr)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2021, February 10

Vol. 64, Issue 2, 2020
Kierkegaard's concept of critique (Guest editor: Ana Tabarasi-Hoffmann, anatabar@yahoo.com)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2020, October 10

Vol. 64, Issue 1, 2020
In search of a new Aristotle – Ethics, ontology and metaphysics Approaches (Guest editors: Gianluigi Segalerba, gianluigi.segalerba@univie.ac.at; Cornel Florin Moraru, cornelmoraru@gmail.com)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2020, March 10

Vol. 63, Issue 2, 2019
Contemporary Ethical Issues. Enhancing ethics: new approaches to standard moral issues (Guest editors: Ștefan-Dominic Georgescu, stefan_geodom@yahoo.com; Radu Uszkai, radu.uszkai@cadi.ro)
Philosophical Notes
Therapy or counseling? Current directions of philosophical practice (Guest editor: Vasile Hațegan, vphategan@gmail.com)
Book reviews
Deadline: 2019, October 10

Vol. 63, Issue 1, 2019
The Problem of Evil in The Platonic Tradition. Ontological, Ethical and Theological Approaches (Guest editors: Gianluigi Segalerba, gianluigi.segalerba@univie.ac.at; Cornel Florin Moraru, cornelmoraru@gmail.com)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2019, May 10

Vol. 62, Issue 2, 2018
Language in Classical Indian Philosophy (Guest editor: Florina Dobre Brat, ina.brat@yahoo.com)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2018, October 10

Vol. 62, Issue 1, 2018
New approaches and issues in Business Ethics (Guest editors: Ștefan-Dominic Georgescu, stefan_geodom@yahoo.com; Radu Uszkai, radu.uszkai@cadi.ro)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2018, May 10

Vol. 61, Issue 2, 2017
From Ontology to the Philosophy of Culture. Constantin Noicaʼs Philosophical Works after 30 Years from his Death (Guest editor: Mona Mamulea, monam_ro@yahoo.com)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2017, October 10

Vol. 61, Issue 1, 2017
Constructionism and Naturalism in Leibniz (Guest editor: Enrico Pasini, epasini@unito.it)
Philosophy and Christian Experience. Part Two (Guest editors: Sabin Totu, sabintotu@yahoo.com; Dan Chițoiu, dan811@yahoo.com)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2017, May 10

Vol. 60, Issue 2, 2016
Philosophy and Christian Experience, Part One (Guest editors: Sabin Totu, sabintotu@yahoo.com; Dan Chițoiu,  dan811@yahoo.com)
Philosophical Notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 2016, May 10

Vol. 60, issue 1, 2016
Philosophy and Psychoanalysis (guest editor: Virgil Ciomoș: virgil_ciomos@yahoo.com)
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 April 2016

Vol. 59, issue 2, 2015
Contemporary Commentaries on Aristotle's Philosophy (guest editor: Gianluigi Segalerba: gianluigi.segalerba@univie.ac.at)
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 October 2015

Vol. 59, issue 1, 2015
Cause and truth in Malebranche (guest editor: Bruno Pinchard: pinchard.bruno@gmail.com)
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 November 2014

Vol. 58, issue 2, 2014
Paul Ricoeur: the conflict of durations and translations
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 Mai 2014

Vol. 58, issue 1, 2014
New science, metaphysics and experiment in Galileo Galilei (guest editor: jucustratan@yahoo.com)
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 November 2013

Vol. 57, issue 2, 2013
Thomas Kuhn and The structure of scientific revolutions
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 Mai 2013

Vol. 57, issue 1, 2013
Kierkegaard yesterday and today (guest editor: Catalina Elena Dobre: katalina.elena@yahoo.com.mx)
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 November 2012

Vol. 56, issue 2, 2012
Logic, methodology and philosophy of science
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 Mai 2012

Vol. 56, issue 1, 2012
Fichte (guest editor: Alexandra Roux; e-mail: alexandra.roux@univ-poitiers.fr)
Philosophy of Time
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 November 2011

Vol. 55, issue 2, 2011
Thomas d`Aquin's actuality (guest editor: Alex Baumgarten; email: alexbaum7@web.de)
Philosophical notes
Book reviews
Deadline: 10 Mai 2011