PROBLEME DE LOGICĂromania_square_icon_64.png

SIFU-00.png Probleme de logică is a publication of tradition in Romanian philosophical research. The first issue appeared in 1968, under the patronage of the Center for Logic of the Romanian Academy. After the elimination of this research institution by the communist authorities (1974), it appears intermittently, continuing without pauses since 2009 to present days. It hosts not only articles on all three types of logic (classical logic, mathematical logic, dialectical-speculative logic), but also some belonging to related disciplines.
Probleme de logică gathers together especially the research results of the Department of Logic and Metaphysics from the Institute for Philosophy and Psychology of the Romanian Academy, but it also brings together papers by researchers and academic staff from Romania and abroad, being a space of dialogue and high-performance academic research. The articles are open access. „Problems of logic” it is the only specialized publication on logic in Romania that appears periodically (annually). Since 2021, the series also accepts articles in English, French or German.

ISSN: 1454-2366

LATEST ISSUE: Probleme de logică, vol. XXVII, 2024

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ARCHIVE Probleme de logică


Acad. Mircea Dumitru

CS I Marius Dobre

CS I Viorel Vizureanu
CS II Ștefan-Dominic Georgescu

 Instructions for authors

Submitted manuscripts are double peer reviewed, one of the referees being a member of the Editorial Board. The authors should ensure that their text is submitted in its final form. The Editors may offer feedback to the authors and suggest changes in order to improve the content, clarity and/or the quality of expression of the manuscript. Page-proofs will be supplied, but only errors in typesetting may be corrected at this stage. Proofs should be corrected and returned within 7 days.
Authors should submit three hard copies of their manuscript along with a digital copy in Microsoft Word and an abstract in English, as well as their CV, email and postal address, and institutional affiliation (complete address). Two of the three copies should have all self-references deleted.
Manuscripts are expected to propose an original content and to not have been previously published. No manuscript will be considered for publication if it is under consideration by another journal or publishing house.
Articles should be edited according to the style guidelines of the Romanian Academy. References should conform to the following format:

pdf_ico.png Citation Style Probleme de logică