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COPERTA, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 68, 1, 202427 Jun : 11:16311.01 kB49Not rated
SUMAR, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 68, 1, 202427 Jun : 11:15213.45 kB204Not rated
CONTENTS, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 68, 1, 202427 Jun : 11:15213.39 kB200Not rated
SOMMAIRE, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 68, 1, 202427 Jun : 11:14213.35 kB209Not rated
MICHEL BOURDEAU, Auguste Comte and Positivism27 Jun : 11:14409.14 kB53Not rated
CONSTANTIN STOENESCU, The Millian model of scientific explanation27 Jun : 11:13300.04 kB53Not rated
MARIAN GEORGE PANAIT, Truth and utility: Where does Mill stand?27 Jun : 11:12272.83 kB43Not rated
DARREN MEDEIROS, Positivism and pleasure27 Jun : 11:07432.17 kB45Not rated
NICHOLAS CAPALDI, Revisiting Mill on free speech27 Jun : 11:07168.35 kB41Not rated
SUSAN KRANTZ GABRIEL, Mill and Brentano on religion and natural theology27 Jun : 11:06481.69 kB46Not rated
CYRIL McDONNELL, Law, morality, and the state’s justification of punishmen27 Jun : 11:05404.77 kB42Not rated
ERIC S. NELSON, Wilhelm Dilthey, John Stuart Mill, and the logic of the human sciences27 Jun : 11:05455.09 kB96Not rated
ION TĂNĂSESCU, Intentionality in Brentano27 Jun : 11:04462.21 kB49Not rated
ADRIAN MAÎTRE, Franz Brentano und Bertrands Paradoxon27 Jun : 11:04534.36 kB53Not rated
NICHOLAS SHACKEL, Brentano’s solution to Bertrand’s paradox27 Jun : 11:03371.2 kB66Not rated
MIGUEL LÓPEZ-ASTORGA, Logical sophistication and reduction27 Jun : 11:02230.02 kB47Not rated
ALEKSANDAR FATIĆ, Climbing Jacob’s Ladder27 Jun : 11:01373.07 kB42Not rated
VLAD ALEXANDRESCU, Raison et intellect dans Sacro-sanctae scientiae indepingibilis imago27 Jun : 11:00446.02 kB41Not rated
EUGENIA BOGATU, The self’s metamorphosis in the context of social experience27 Jun : 10:59260.92 kB64Not rated
TEODOR CRISTESCU, Arta profană: prin definiție, o artă transgresivă23 Jun : 08:13356.54 kB48Not rated
COPERTA, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 67, 2, 2023.pdf29 Nov : 15:09615.16 kB186Not rated
SUMAR, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 67, 2, 202329 Nov : 15:05213.9 kB355Not rated
SOMMAIRE, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 67, 2, 202329 Nov : 15:04214.22 kB324Not rated
CONTENTS, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 67, 2, 202329 Nov : 15:03214.13 kB333Not rated
ALEJANDRO CASSINI, What an interpretation of quantum mechanics should be?29 Nov : 14:49659.42 kB197Not rated
MIRCEA FLONTA, The Concept of Normal Science29 Nov : 14:34321.95 kB207Not rated
VASSO KINDI, Kuhn’s Controversial Legacy29 Nov : 14:32330.37 kB198Not rated
LYDIA PATTON, Must Kuhn allow Cross-Paradigm Evidence?29 Nov : 14:32390.73 kB265Not rated
ILIE PÂRVU, Thomas Kuhn and “the New Philosophy of Science”29 Nov : 14:31351.57 kB181Not rated
GRAHAM PRIEST, You say you want a Revolution. Well …You know … We all want to change the World29 Nov : 14:30808.69 kB245Not rated
HERNÁN PRINGE, Kant and Bohr on Quantum Objectivity29 Nov : 14:30345.65 kB211Not rated
DAVID ROSENTHAL, Qualities and Consciousness29 Nov : 14:29324.1 kB297Not rated
CONSTANTIN STOENESCU, Kuhn’s “Linguistic Turn”29 Nov : 14:28398 kB181Not rated
BOGDAN SUCEAVĂ, Space and its Deformations in the Works of Nicole Oresme and Bernhard Riemann29 Nov : 14:27288.77 kB226Not rated
TIMOTHY WILLIAMSON, Heuristics and Paradoxes29 Nov : 14:26345.3 kB219Not rated
MARIUS AUGUSTIN DRĂGHICI, Blaga’s Epistemology and its “Modest Relativism”29 Nov : 14:24574.85 kB197Not rated
SHERMAN XIE, Paradigm Shift in Mainstream Economics Studies29 Nov : 14:24395.63 kB168Not rated
DRAGOȘ GRUSEA, Virtual Simultaneity in Lessing’s Aesthetics29 Nov : 14:23326.36 kB230Not rated
MARTIN BONDELI, Vorstellung, Bewusstsein und das Fundament einer Philosophie Schlechthin29 Nov : 14:22497.33 kB165Not rated
COPERTA, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 67, 1, 202322 Jun : 16:511.4 MB250Not rated
SUMAR, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 67, 1, 202322 Jun : 16:50299.14 kB526Not rated
SOMMAIRE, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 67, 1, 202322 Jun : 16:50299 kB413Not rated
CONTENTS, Rev. Roum. Philosophie, 67, 1, 202322 Jun : 16:48298.92 kB525Not rated
MICHEL BOURDEAU, Auguste Comte et la philosophie comme science22 Jun : 16:48358.54 kB432Not rated
SUSAN KRANTZ GABRIEL, Brentano on Philosophy as a Science22 Jun : 16:47288.42 kB259Not rated
ION TĂNĂSESCU, Brentano, Zeller und ihre Auffassungen von der Geschichte der Philosophie22 Jun : 16:46206.74 kB272Not rated
CYRIL MCDONNELL, On the Idea of a Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint22 Jun : 16:46505.77 kB262Not rated
MARIAN GEORGE PANAIT, Mill and Newman on Science22 Jun : 16:45387.01 kB289Not rated
LAURENȚIU STAICU, The Nature of Biological Species22 Jun : 16:44308.09 kB269Not rated
MIHAELA-GENȚIANA STĂNIȘOR, Le malheureux poli. Cioran et les avantages de l’exil22 Jun : 16:43480.72 kB259Not rated
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